Jumat, 06 Januari 2023

Road Trip to Central Java and Yogyakarta

So i and my family went to a vacation couple days ago. The itinerary were  Central Java Province and Yogyakarta Province. It was road trip vacation. This was the very first time my family went to road trip.  I was so happy. It was a long car ride. The distance between Jakarta Semarang, the capital city of Central Java. Is 446 km.  it was so long I took nap 2 times. I didn't even have Wi-Fi, I only played fun little game on my phone.  But the car ride was 5 hours. Need 8 hours  for us, because we stop by in some rest areas but that was fine.

At 9.00 pm we arrived at Semarang.  we don't have any time to go through any tours or attraction places because it was night already. so we just want to bed at the hotel name Oak Emerald Hotel. For some reasons my dad says the hotel a bit too fancy. My mom said because the hotel build in luxury residence and with their own green area, I don't see a problem with the hotel being fancy but okay, Dad.


On day 2, we went to Lawang Sewu and Kelenteng Sam Poo Kong. Lawang Sewu is a abandoned building built by the Dutch, also a haunted landmark in indonesia located on Tugu Muda Roundabout, in Semarang, capital city of central Java. Lawang means door and Sewu means thousand. It calls Lawang Sewu or Thousand doors because the building has many doors. When we first entered Lawang Sewu, we were greeted by Java, Dutch, and Japan traditional clothing to try on.  My dad wanted to but i absolutely didnt. We then went upstairs where there was a bunch of empty rooms with connecting doors and went on one of the balconies. On one of the balconies you can see everyone below and there was a band. One of the members playing Angklung, a traditional instrument. We then went down and there was a lot of food stalls, and stuff to explore! I wanted to go on one of the scooters thinking it was normal. But it was electric scooter and absolutely scary. I pressed the gas and it went sonic boom. It shocked me. I didn't like it but  I tried to enjoy.


My mom got my sister a Dino riding costume.  I dont  know why she wanted it, but I guess she gets to wear it. After the time limit for my scooter and my sisters costume finished we went to the abandoned train! It was really dusty but you could go on it. After some pictures we went to Sam Poo Kong temple  . Sam Poo Kong temple  also known as Stone building is the oldest Chinese temple in Semarang. The temple is located on Jalan Simongan, West Semarang. The temple foundations were first built by Admiral Cheng Ho, elsewhere better known as Admiral Zheng He, a muslim explorer from Mainland China. 


When we first entered there were many sellers but we didn't buy anything. After walking for a little while we saw big buildings and took a bunch of pictures. We didnt do much activities here beside taking some pictures. Until  I saw electric bicycles instead of scooters. Me and my sister nagging to ride it. But they owner only accept cash. Glad Mom had some money in her pursue. I like these more than electric scooters. It was so fun to ride! Me and my dad and sister rode on it for a while until we continue our journey.


At day 3, we visited Jogjakarta. We Slept at Om Ismet  (My Fathers Brother) home in Sleman. We met my cousins. The last time I meet them when I was Three years Old. This was the first time Anna met them. 


 We went to Candi prambanan and Candi Borobudur. First we went to Candi Prambanan. Candi Prambanan is a 9th-century Hindu temple compound in Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, dedicated to the TrimÅ«rti, the expression of God as the Creator (Brahma), the Preserver (Vishnu) and the Destroyer (Shiva). The temple compound is located approximately 17 kilometres northeast of the city of Yogyakarta on the boundary between Central Java and Yogyakarta provinces.



Candi Prambanan tells a legend of a love story between Roro Jonggrang and Bandung Bondowoso. Roro didn't want to mary him. He was a mean guy, so she said " If you want to marry me, you have to build a thousands temples in one night! " so Bandung Bondowoso knew it was impossible and asked help from the genies. They all helped him build it and it was unbelievably fast, Roro was worried they were almost done.  So, she asked all of her servants to help her. “Please prepare a lot of straw and mortar. Please hurry up!” said Roro Jonggrang. “Burn the straw and make some noise pounding the mortar, quickly.” All those servants did what Roro Jonggrang ordered them there were burning straw and pounding the mortar, to making the genies think that the sun is going to rise before the 999th temple was built. Bandung Bondowoso knew Roro tricked him so he said  “You cannot fool me, Roro Jonggrang. I already have 999 temples. I just need one more temple. Now, I will make you the one-thousandth temple.” He pointed his finger to Roro Jonggrang and said some spells. Magically, Roro Jonggrang’s body turned into stone. The statue still lies in the center till this day. I think she slays!


Anyway back to my vacation. when we first enter  we walked to the building. There were some piles of stones  in temples areas. These stones through many things over the ages. Volcanos, tomb raider, colonialism and the latest was Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006 ago.  We took bunch of pictures. i liked drawing in the sand with a rock alot and my mom said that was vandalism,  but I guess she just kidding. there wasn't a lot to do there. There was no electric bycicle, sadly. It was kind of boring to me. We just grabed  ice cream and left.


After we exited Candi Prambanan, we went to Candi Borobudur.  It is a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist temple in Magelang Regency, not far from the town of Muntilan, in Central Java, Indonesia. It is the world's largest Buddhist temple. The temple consists of nine stacked platforms, six square and three circular, topped by a central dome. It is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and originally 504 Buddha statues. The central dome is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa. Some of Statues lost their head. Dad said tomb raider stole it and sold it to the collector. The temple was really far away, so we went  there by golf car. There were a bunch Buddhist people there. They were doing Pabajja Samanera, it was like a training to become a monk. 


There are other things in the temple area. There is elephant feeding area, food, sellers, A LOT OF SELLERS. After we arrived at the temple we took a bunch of pictures. Because the area was so wide, I was tired to walk. My sister is in a stroller. Well probably because she is a baby and always wants to be carried. We had to walk through market place where many sellers sell gifts. It was so far to find the edge of the market. That was a pain.  It took so long to find our car and so many sellers nagging us, but eventually we found our car.


We went to Punthuk Setumbu after that. But sadly the ticket counter already closed. We couldn’t see the gereja Ayam. After that we went to my uncle’s house to bunk in and slept.


At day 4 we were planning to go to solo but change my mom changed the plan. We went back to Semarang instead. But bofore that, we visited Malioboro street, took pictures in Malioboro sign, rode pedicap and bought some oleh-oleh.  My father took an alternative way go to Semarang  through the streets of the dark forest. I couldn’t sleep until we found main road.  We stayed at Pop Hotel, surprisingly that hotel was so much more comfortable then the fancy one.


On 5th day of vacation we planned to back to Bogor.  We stopped by at some rest areas. One of them more like a tourist attraction. It was in rest area Heritage in Brebes regency.  There was a big donut slide, a trampoline, a bridge and small pedicaps. My sister went to he painting section! And you might be thinking. Ara you like art  why didn’t you join your sister? I was lazy.


Me and my sister went on the donut slide. It was so fun! We went on it 4 times straight. After that we off to Bogor. We stopped by a rest area in Cirebon Regency to chill. But suddenly OUR CAR STOPPED WORKING.Thankfully were already at a rest area and not in the middle of the road. We have to wait 1 hour or more to fix it. Luckly the car is good again.  Yay!! After that i slept and we arrived home. END.






Senin, 23 Oktober 2017

Ara Little Stories Youtube Channel

Halo teman-teman. Ara sekarang punya channel youtube. Namanya Ara Little Stories. Channel ini dibuat karena Ara terlalu sering bikin video di hp mama aku. Jadinya memori hp mama aku jadi penuh. Kalo penuh jadinya suka rusak. Kalo rusak videonya hilang deh.

Jadi supaya aman dan bisa disimpan lama terus hp mama aku ga rusak, jadinya aku bikin channel youtube deh. Di channel ini kamu bisa liat kegiatan aku. Jalan-jalan atau main ke mana. Belum terlalu banyak sih, karena yang edit videonya mama aku. Itu pun editnya  pake HP yang kalo mama aku ga pake online, aku pake nonton youtube.

Tapi mama janji bakal rajin edit, katanya. Nah, untuk sementara silakan intip Channel aku dulu ya. Dont forget to subscribe ya. 

Senin, 17 Juli 2017

Adam dan Hawa

Sebelum berangkat ngaji sore tadi saya menceritakan Ara tentang Adam dan Hawa sebagai manusia pertama. Adam adalah manusia pertama. Kemudian dari rusuknya Tuhan ciptakan Hawa sebagai temannya. Mereka tinggal di surga. 

Tuhan berpesan pada mereka untuk tidak boleh mendekati satu pohon apalagi memakan buahnya. Kemudian setan datang membujuk agar Adam dan Hawa memakan buah pohon itu. Terbujuk rayuan setan dua anak manusia itu memakan buah huldi. 

Tuhan marah. Mereka menyesali perbuatannya. Tuhan pun menyuruh Adam dan Hawa tinggal di bumi sebagai khalifah. Kemudian beranak pinak dan beribadah pada Tuhan. 

Saat berangkat ke mesjid diatas sepedanya ia setengah berteriak "yang lahirkan Adam siapa? " .

12 juli 2017

Senin, 03 Juli 2017

Vlog Pertama Ara

Waaahhh...Ara jarang mengupdate blog ini. Mama bahkan lupa sama namanya.Ckckckck. Padahalkan isinya keren. Oh iya, Ara suka banget nonton youtube dan pengen punya channel youtube sendiri. Waktu lebaran idul fitri kemarin ayah, mama, Ara, dan Anna (Adik aku. Belum tau ya) pergi ke Ancol melihat lukisan 3D.  Aku membuat video, mama bantu merekam. Ditonton ya.

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2015

Kucing Liar Ara

sumber gambar di sini

“Meow...meow” meongan kucing terdengar lirih di pagi hari sebelum Ara berangkat sekolah.  Tak ada yang memelihara kucing di sekitar kompleks rumah Ara. Ara pun jarang melihat kucing liar di sekitar rumahnya. Ia meraih sepatu sekolahnya sembari mencari-cari sumber suara itu. Ia menajamkan pendengarannya, namun suara kucing itu tidak terdengar lagi.
“Meow...meow..” suara itu kembali terdengar ketika Ara membuka pintu pagar sepulang sekolah. Kali ini bertekad untuk menemukan di mana sumber suara itu berasal. “Meow...meow...” meongan kucing itu terdengar sedih. Ara mencari-cari di taman bunga milik nenek.  Di antara pot-pot besar pohon salam. Di sana di sela-sela pot yang besar dan cukup tersembunyi, seekor kucing belang berbaring. Ia seketika berdiri ketika Ara berjalan mendekat.  “Meeeooowww...” teriaknya ketakutan. Dengan terpincang-pincang ia berusaha melindungi dirinya.
“Jangan takut kucing kecil” kata Ara melangkah mundur. Ia melihat kaki belakang si kucing terluka. Karena itulah ia pincang. Ara bergegas masuk ke dalam rumah. “Mama, seekor kucing pincang berbaring di taman bunga nenek. Bolehkah saya memberinya makan?”, tanya Ara. “Tentu. Ada sisa tulang ikan di dapur. Kamu bisa menambahkan nasi dan sedikit kuah sayur”, kata Mama.
Ketika ia telah menyiapkan makanan buat sang kucing, dengan perlahan ia mendekatinya. Kali ini kucing belang itu tidak lagi berdiri, namun tetap waspada. Ara meletakkan piring berisi makanan di dekat si kucing kemudian berdiri menjauh.
Si kucing mengendus dan kemudian memakan dengan lahap. Tidak lupa Ara memberi semangkuk air untuk minumnya. “Nanti sore aku kasi makan lagi ya. Cepat sembuh kucing”, kata Ara. Mama memanggil tante Ika, teman mama yang juga dokter hewan. Kucing Ara diperiksa oleh tante Ika. Kakinya patah. Tante Ika membalutnya dengan kain dan memberikannya obat.
“Lukanya tidak parah sebentar lagi sembuh”, kata tante Ika. “Mama, kalo kucingnya sudah sembuh, dia boleh kan Ara pelihara?”, pinta Ara. “Boleh. Asal kamu rajin memberinya makan dan merawatnya. Janji?”, tanya Mama sambil menyodorkan jari kelingkingnya.”Oke”, balas Ara mengaitkan kelingkingnya di kelingking Mama.

Bogor, 22 September 2015

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015

Ara dan Definisi Tidak Naik Kelas

 Ara : (Sambil nyanyi) Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu Minggu itu nama-nama hari. Rajin    belajar lekas pintar, anak yang pemalas tidak naik kelas.
 Mama, tidak naik kelas itu tidak angkat kaki di kursi.

Me : Hahahahahahaha. 

Rabu, 30 September 2015

Ara dan Kisah-Kisah Lucunya

Sumber gambar di sini
Ibu guru : Nama Ayah Ara siapa?
Ara : Ayah Ganteng
Ibu guru : !!!!

Ibu guru : Najib, mainan favoritnya apa?
Najib : Bola
Ibu guru : Fina, mainan favoritnya apa?
Fina : Barbie
Ibu guru : Ara, mainan favoritnya apa?
Ara : Tembak-tembak air

Ibu guru : Ara cita-citanya apa?
Ara : Jadi putri
Ibu guru : Putri? Putri apa?
Ara : Putri Indonesia
*mohon diaminkan 

 Belajar huruf hijayyah. Pas di huruf "Kho".
Ara : Mama, ini huruf tidur?
Me : Kok bisa?
Ara : iya. Seperti suara tidur "khooooo" (menirukan suara mendengkur)

Ara : Mama, Ayo ke mesjid.
Mama : Apa di mesjid?
Ara : Lomba potong kambing
(padahal maksudnya ada potong qurban di mesjid)