Rabu, 30 September 2015

Ara dan Kisah-Kisah Lucunya

Sumber gambar di sini
Ibu guru : Nama Ayah Ara siapa?
Ara : Ayah Ganteng
Ibu guru : !!!!

Ibu guru : Najib, mainan favoritnya apa?
Najib : Bola
Ibu guru : Fina, mainan favoritnya apa?
Fina : Barbie
Ibu guru : Ara, mainan favoritnya apa?
Ara : Tembak-tembak air

Ibu guru : Ara cita-citanya apa?
Ara : Jadi putri
Ibu guru : Putri? Putri apa?
Ara : Putri Indonesia
*mohon diaminkan 

 Belajar huruf hijayyah. Pas di huruf "Kho".
Ara : Mama, ini huruf tidur?
Me : Kok bisa?
Ara : iya. Seperti suara tidur "khooooo" (menirukan suara mendengkur)

Ara : Mama, Ayo ke mesjid.
Mama : Apa di mesjid?
Ara : Lomba potong kambing
(padahal maksudnya ada potong qurban di mesjid)

The Princess and A Little Frog

sumber foto di sini

Once upon a time there are a princess and her mother, a queen. One day, the princess is playing ball. The ball fall into the water. The frog helps to get the ball. The princess is happy. She kiss the frog. The frog is very happy then he jumps highly. Boing boing boing. 

The end 

Bogor, 27 sep 2015

Kamis, 03 September 2015

Ara and Friends

Sumber foto di sini

Once upon a day. Ara is playing with Nado, Naura, Rafa, and the other friends. They are playing in Ara’s home. Playing with Ara’s toys. They are playing bicycles. Pretends doctor and cooking. They are playing until evening. Then all the parents and brothers calling her friends to back to their own home. “We’ll play again tomorrow, ya”, she says.

The End

Bogor, 3 September 2015